Blue Rogues Clan (BRC) was created to enjoy PSO. To ensure that all of our members
have that ability, we have set up strict requirements in order to join BRC divided below into 6 easy steps. Step 1: Total
Agreement to the following rules. I) Absolutely NO Cheating (Cracking / GSing / PKing etc) ii) BRC has a ZERO TOLLERANCE
POLICY TOWARDS ANY DUPLICATED ITEMS Please use only Legit items while playing with Legit Players. iii) No stealing
iv) Be a good team player v) Please keep all trading within BRC vi) Be courteous to other players
2: Submit your information to a LPG representative Please Submit the Following information in e-mail format including
the following. I) Your First Name / Age / E-mail address / ICQ / AIM etc. ii) Character Name / Class / Current Level
/ Section ID of your characters. iii) Your Country / State or Province / Time Zone iv) What days / Times you are frequently
playing PSO online Step 3: Meeting up with a BRC representative After reviewing your information you should receive
a reply either by e-mail listing a Date / Time / Server & Block to meet. We are flexible, if you cant make the time posted
please let us know. More times then often, we will meet up with you on your posted time. Step 4: Take a Trip through Ragnol
after you have entered into the game with 1-3 BRC members, just simply play. During that time, BRC members will evaluate
how you operate in a team. (Item sharing, Heal & Boosting etc.) We do not base our evaluation on how powerful your character
is, nor how many mosters you kill or times you die. We base it upon how well you play and interact with the other BRC members.
Step 5: The Final Verdict If you were lucky enough to play with MAESTRO / Cyber 6 (BRC Founders) you may be granted
acceptance after an area or two. Otherwise your info will be sent to legitPSOplayer and you will repeat Steps 3-4 again with
him to determine if you will be admitted to BRC. Regardless of how much any other BRC member liked you, legitPSOplayer is
in charge of all admittances into BRC. Step 6: Exchanging Guild Cards after being accepted to BRC, try to set up Guild
Card exchanges between yourself and other BRC members. This can take allot of time but it is well worth it. Step 7: Play
PSO like it was meant to be Played PSO becomes an entirely new experience when it is with people you can trust. In refection
of the past PK'ing epidemic and the present Duping / Stealing situations, playing with other members lets you really enjoy
the game again. There is no need to fear someone stealing your hard-earned weapon, nor will you have to roll your eyes at
another game filled with players with their robochoao mags and Spread Needles. Step 8:When you join BRC u r to put in
your gild card that u r a Blue Rogue Clan Member and if you wish the official site
copyright 2001 Legit Players Guild
& step 8 added by Blue Rogues Clan